Saturday, November 23, 2019

The SCV is meeting in Raleigh, NC and St. Augustin, FL.

This is the webpage for the Raleigh, NC meeting of the Stephen D. Lee Institute which will be held February 28-29, 2020, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

This is the webpage for the Sons of Confederate Veterans national reunion in St. Augustine.

They have changed the imagery. It was this imagery, see link to Internet archive.

This is the corresponding blog for the Facebook page Oppose the Sons of Confederate Veteran's Agenda

This is the blog that goes with the Facebook page Oppose the Sons of Confederate Veteran's Agenda.

It is for those who don't do Facebook. It is also the back up in case Facebook shuts down our page.

This is the Facebook page associated with this blog.

Make sure you are a member of both so if one or the other gets shut down you are still in touch with the group.